Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today Ginger was supposed to turn 29. Instead, her young son and devoted husband spend their first January 27th without her.

By all measures, Ginger was healthier than I was. Higher lung function, better weight, and less harmful bacteria. We chatted often at and I loved her humor and light. On my list of things to do while visiting the inlaws in South Carolina was to meet Ginger.

Then she got the swine flu...

and it was too great of a challenge for her CF lungs. Her death really shook me. It was one in a string of deaths this fall, but her decline was so quick, so head-spinning quick, that it really felt like it came completely out of nowhere, even though she did struggle for quite awhile.

On another note, it's quickly approaching a year since Jenn died. A year since I talked to my wonderful, beautiful, amazing friend. We may have never met in person, but I still count her amongst my closest of friends, and I know that she would do the same for me. The pain of her not being her is not as sharp. Slowly I'm able to feel more like the old Talana. It's hard for me to reconcile how deeply these people I've never met, affect me, my soul, and truly add to my life.

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